The Gift Shop & Cafè
Revenue from the Vista House Gift Shop and Cafè are used to support the educational and volunteer programs provided by Friends of Vista House, as well as special Vista House projects that help preserve and maintain the building.
Our shops’ mission is “To provide visitors to the Vista House with items which are interpretive of the Vista House, the Columbia River Gorge, the State of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. The items selected for display and sale in the Gift Shop may include Gorge history, flora, fauna, geology and geography, Northwest Native American culture, and items related to the Historic Columbia River Highway. Vista House is dedicated to Oregon Pioneers, so items relating to pioneer crafts and skills are also appropriate. Exceptional quality is a requirement for sales items.”
Be sure and step into the Cafe for a quick pick-me-up! We serve delicious coffee and snacks to suit every taste. As you experience the beauty of the Pacific Northwest, enjoy an espresso or sweet treat to make your visit that much more memorable.
View Our Espresso Shop
View Our Gift Shop